Punch Out Physical Inactivity for a Healthier Life
Boxing has always been known as a gruesome exhibit of two men battling one another with the sole purpose of causing as much damage as possible, or even knocking their opponent unconscious. Over the years rules have changed, and the sport has evolved from a bare knuckle death match to a structured sport where the participants wear regulation gloves. The intention for a boxer is still to stop his opponent from throwing punches in any way possible, while staying within the guidelines. There is more logic, technique, and science to the way a boxer will compete now. Boxing has become a fun, skilled sport that almost anyone can participate in, and it carries many health benefits. As you can imagine, the physical training that a person must go through to get into the shape and skill level allowing them to trade punches with another human being is unlike any other sport specific training program (Robson, 2005). This is one of the reasons why Boxing in the form of Cardio Boxing has taken over gyms all over the world. Boxing and the training that goes with boxing has been proven to burn more calories, have better accessibility, greater effects on the cardiovascular, muscular, and neuro systems, and has more health benefits in regards to stress relief then almost any other training regiment (Ironside, 2012). Cardio Boxing is being used for weight loss, stress relief, help for depression, gaining strength and endurance, improvements to the cardiovascular system, agility, balance, coordination, and many more. Cardio Boxing is one of the best forms of exercise available and consist of everything a boxer would do except contact sparring.
First, Cardio Boxing unlike most other training regiments is very cost efficient, uses very little equipment, and can be designed to suit every individual person (Bresnahan, 2003). You can either get a membership at a boxing gym, or buy a punching bag, a pair of gloves, and hand wraps to participate in a cardio boxing program. Walmart, Canadian Tire, and Sports Check are just a few of the places that sell the equipment needed to start Cardio Boxing training. The area needed to start a cardio boxing program is very small and the program will usually consist of skipping, and a circuit (Ex. Brick jump + pushups + sit-ups + bag drills etc.). The cardio boxing program uses timed intervals allowing the body a chance for recovery before fully exerting again and will usually involve some form of resistance to held with endurance training (Bresnahan, 2003). These drills are very easy to modify and allow for a very time efficient workout (Robson, 2005). A typical boxing session will last anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour and allow a person to expend up to 2821 kj within that time. This is similar to the energy that the same person will expend during a 9 km run for 60 minutes on the treadmill (Bellinger et al., 1997).
Next, choosing cardio boxing as a training program will allow the client the opportunity to work almost all of the body’s systems in a timely manner. Cardio Boxing allows a person to improve the body’s musculoskeletal system through resistance exercises, resistance against the force of the punching bag and other drills that are the specific focus of a competitive boxer. Cardio boxing also allows the cardiovascular system to become more efficient through workouts that use more than 60% of a person’s anaerobic system, and stretches the aerobic system to its limits (Bresnahan, 2003). The anaerobic system is used as a supplement for the aerobic system and at the beginning of exercise, any jump in intensity during exercise, and while working at or above your anaerobic threshold. When the anaerobic threshold is raised it allows the body to adapt to responses from exercise more efficiently and safely (MacDonald, 2012). Cardio Boxing also has a positive effect on the central nervous system by training it to respond faster and more efficiently to punching combinations, allowing an increase in reaction time and coordination (Bresnahan, 2003).
Finally, the ACSM states that over two thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese, so having a workout regiment that is functional to everyday living and fun is obviously a necessity to get people to be more active (Bushman, 2012). Cardio boxing works as a fun, short workout allowing the client to gain all the health benefits that come with normal physical activity and more (Ironside, 2012). Cardio boxing also allows clients a safe outlet for pent up aggression, stress relief, and raises self efficacy. This allows the workout to hit all 7 dimensions of holistic health. Boxing will teach a client how to relax in stressful situations, gain confidence and relates to everyday life (Robson, 2005). Cardio boxing will teach the participant forms of self defense and can be used if needed in a desperate situation (Internet 1, 2012)
In conclusion, Cardio boxing has grown into a fast, fun, accessible, and effective workout covering all the dimensions in fitness and for holistic health. Anyone thinking about trying a new workout regiment or looking to start exercising should give cardio boxing a chance. The benefits compared to any other training regiment should be more than enough to convince a person. There are not many other workouts that allow a client all of these benefits and work on muscular strength, endurance, the cardiovascular system, and flexibility all in the same workout. Next time someone asks you what is the best workout for the average person, or they just want a fast and effective workout, you should suggest cardio boxing. All of the statistics proves that it works (Bresnahan, 2003).
Bellinger, B. Lambert, M. Oelofse, A. Oelofse, R. & St Clair, G. (December 1997). Energy Expenditure of a Noncontact Training Session Compared With Submaximal Treadmill Running [Abstract]. Medical Science Sports Exercise, 12.
Bresnahan, M. (2003). Fitness Boxing The Ideal Cross-Training Alternative (online). Retrieved on September 25, 2012 from http://www.rossboxing.com/thegym17.htm
Bushman, B. (2011). Complete Guide to Fitness and Health. Chicago: American College of Sports Medicine
Internet 1. (2012). The Benefits Of Boxing (online). Retrieved on September 28 from http://boxing.isport.com/boxing-guides/the-benefits-of-boxing
Ironside, M. (March 2012). Why Boxing Will Get You Results (online). Retrieved on September 25,2012 from http://health.ninemsn.com.au/fitness/exercise/649517/why-boxing-will-get-your-esults
MacDonald, S. (September 2012) Physiology of Exercise, London, On: Fanshawe College
Robson, D. (April 2005). The Art of Boxing (online). Retrieved on September 25, 2012 from http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/drobson68.htm
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